LGBTQ2SIA +学生, 家庭, 工作人员, and community partners are vital members of the 线上博彩平台 community. Our commitment to this community continues to expand as we grow in our understanding of the unique needs and challenges facing the LGBTQ2SIA+ community. This webpage is just a starting point for finding information regarding rights, services available within PPS and the Portland metro area, and basic educational resources. 谁-学生, 家庭, PPS 工作人员 - can reach out to the Program Manager if they have questions about PPS practices or would like to thought partner around a student need, 建筑需要, 或者部门需要.

    If you have feedback/notice a broken link, please fill out this form. Thanks for helping us keep resources current!

  • 关注的焦点!

  • An illustration of people of various races, 性别身份, and sexual orientations in a circle from the waist up with "的 transgender, 非, and gender expansive administrative directive gets an update!" in black print in the center

    Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive Administrative Directive 已更新! This update brings PPS into closer alignment with ODE's 更新的指导 for supporting gender-expansive students in schools. 

  • 特雷弗计划我们都在你身边

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free.

    Our trained counselors understand the challenges LGBTQ young people face.

    的y will listen without judgment. All of your conversations are confidential, and you can share as much or as little as you’d like.

    In very specific instances of abuse or a clear concern of an in-progress or imminent suicide, Trevor counselors may need to contact a child welfare agency or emergency services.



503-916-3954 x63954
  • Book and appointment at the top and bottom arch of a rainbow circle and the black and white PPS torch logo in the center

    To reserve a 45min appointment slot for assistance, click on the logo above and then again on the LGBTQ2SIA +支持 Office Hours rectangle to select a time slot.



  • Things LGBTQ+ People Wish 的ir Parents Knew


    Why Are Gender Pronouns So Controversial?


    Gender Identity and Pronouns

    Gender Identity and Pronouns PRIDE Centre of Edmonton in white letters on a teal background with light blue ripples