• School Updates

    Dear families,

    What a month it has been! We know that many families have been impacted by the recent ice storm, and we are no different. Our Creston Annex location had a broken pipe in the parking lot that caused a one day closure; children are now back in the building as of today. Our Kelly Center school has significant water damage and is currently closed for repairs.  Over the past several days, our Head Start team has been working closely with district leadership and principals from nearby schools to find classroom space for our students and teachers. We are thrilled to say that Kelly, 惠特曼, and Woodmere elementary schools have the space available to accommodate our community while Kelly Center undergoes necessary repairs. 

    Additional information:

    • Students will be moving with their class and teachers to one of the three above-named sites beginning Tuesday, January 30.

    • We will be following a modified schedule for these specific classrooms during this time. Drop-off will be at 8:30 a.m. and pick-up will be at 12:30 p.m. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided each day.

    • On Monday, January 29 from 4-5 p.m., we will hold a virtual information session to answer any questions impacted families might have. We will also record this meeting.

    • As of Friday all families have received information about their student’s assigned school.

    • Kelly Center is scheduled to reopen to students and staff as early as mid-February. We will share a transition plan for re-entry at a later date.


    Staff continue to prepare for children and families to return next Tuesday. We are grateful to the Kelly, 惠特曼, and Woodmere communities for opening their doors to us, and we appreciate your grace and patience more than we can say. We will be in touch again soon.



    Dana Stiles, Director of Head Start 

    Mary Pearson, Kelly Center Building Supervisor