• 罗斯威高地的历史

    The new Gregory Heights School was part of the last wave of an extensive building program begun by Portland Public Schools in the early 1900s. 逐渐受到约翰·杜威进步教育运动的影响, 该项目对不断变化的城市人口结构和对线上博彩平台安全的看法做出了回应, 环境卫生, 以儿童为中心的教学方法开始于20世纪头十年. By 1905, it became increasingly clear that dramatic increases in school-age children outstripped the district’s classroom capacity and existing schools could not effectively serve areas of the city with new residential development.  在美国其他地方发生了几起广为人知的线上博彩平台火灾之后, calls for a more fundamental change in the building stock of the district began as early as 1906 when Mayor Lane called for the construction of new “fireproof” school buildings (Oregonian. 10-31-1906). In 1910, various city neighborhood “advancement clubs” joined forces to discuss the unfit school buildings in their respective neighborhoods (Oregonian 07-31-1910). 会议结束后不久, 8月16日, 1910, the Portland City Council enacted a requirement that all schools constructed after January 1, 1911年必须是防火建筑. By 1914, 波特兰市官员首次举行联合会议, 摩特诺玛县委员, 线上博彩平台董事会, officials agreed to work with building code officials to encourage the use of fireproof construction and to implement fire safety measures in all existing and future schools (Oregonian, 03-31-1914).

    1911年,线上博彩平台以3500美元的价格获得了西斯基尤街7334号的一块地皮.00. The original school consisted of 2 portables until 1923 when the district acquired additional land in Glenhaven Park for $5,362.50. 这所新线上博彩平台的第一个单元花了15万美元建造.由斯特宾格兄弟所著(俄勒冈,09-27-1923). The cornerstone was laid in November of 1927 but the completion of the school was delayed due to a strike by the city’s bricklayers (Oregonian 11-04-1923).

    In 1908, Portland Public Schools created the Bureau of Properties in an effort to centralize the management of the district’s various properties. 在这个办公室里, the District architect took on a more formalized role in the design and maintenance of school facilities. Two of the most influential district architects during this period included Floyd Naramore and George Jones who designed a majority of the schools between 1908 and 1932. Although Naramore and Jones designed the majority of the schools in the early twentieth century, 该地区聘请了几位建筑师来设计个别的线上博彩平台建筑. 格雷戈里高地线上博彩平台的建筑师, 理查德•马丁, 在俄勒冈州有近30年的建筑设计经验. In addition to designing several residences, Martin designed many significant buildings in Portland. 著名的项目包括波特兰大学的西大厅(1891年), 德琴大厦(1892年), 军械库(1891年), 《线上博彩平台》(1902). 类似于格雷戈里·海茨, these new school buildings were often constructed of brick and concrete and were one or two stories in height. The architectural details of the new schools were largely encompassed by the Classical Revival, 殖民复兴, and Collegiate Gothic styles; architectural revivals that were viewed as inspirational and appropriate for educational settings. To speed the construction of the new schools and to anticipate later growth in the neighborhood, these new buildings were often constructed in units sometimes referred to as extensible schools. 继1923年首台机组建成后, Gregory Heights was expanded to include a gymnasium in 1925 and additional classrooms in 1929. More significant alterations to the building and campus occurred in the 1950s and again in 1983 when the building was renovated for use as a Middle School. 除了通过拆除几个教室之间的墙壁来创建一个图书馆之外, the school was reconfigured so that “seventh and eight graders are clustered around small group areas carved out of former hallways” (Oregonian 01-06-1983). 2007年,线上博彩平台更名为罗斯威高地.

    这幢两层的线上博彩平台建筑建在浇筑的混凝土地基上. 主要施工体系为钢筋混凝土. 位于平屋顶的护墙掩盖了天窗和机械系统. The school features a variety of architectural styles including Collegiate Gothic embellishments on the central bay of the east elevation, 地中海点缀在东立面的南北海湾, 西高地是地中海和现代风格的当代混合体.

    该社区主要由1920年至1950年间建造的单户住宅组成. 东西向的沿东西向轴的, 线上博彩平台建筑位于矩形8的东北部分.60-acre包裹. 操场和运动场占据了校园的南部. 沥青覆盖的停车场位于校园的南侧和西侧. 校园的主要入口从北面的Siskiyou街进入. The path to the secondary entrance on the west elevation from the parking lot is flanked with columns. 矩形的两层线上博彩平台建筑建立在浇筑的混凝土基础上. 主要施工体系为钢筋混凝土. 位于平屋顶的护墙掩盖了天窗和机械系统. 主窗单元由成组的固定框架金属窗组成. The school features a variety of architectural styles of the school including Collegiate Gothic style embellishments on the central bay of the east elevation, 地中海点缀在东立面的南北海湾, 西高地是地中海和现代风格的当代混合体. 三扇双门提供进入中央大厅的入口,两侧是办公空间. 一系列的双层走廊为整个建筑提供了交通. 增加的隔墙和“凸起”改变了走廊的配置. 走廊的地板上铺着油毡. Fluorescent light fixtures are recessed within a drop ceiling that is covered by acoustic panels. Murals depicting the relationship between the city of Portland and its rivers decorate the corridors of the first floor. 在一项拨款计划的资助下,这些壁画由艺术家温迪·邓德(Wendy Dunder)设计. 学生和社区成员协助艺术家绘制壁画. 线上博彩平台的主要社区空间包括两个体育馆和一个多功能厅. 双高多功能厅的天花板由木梁支撑. 房间设有舞台和适合用作健身房的木地板. 体育馆位于线上博彩平台的西侧. 木梁支撑着双高空间的平屋顶. 饰面包括乙烯地板和混凝土墙. 教室主要是长方形的. Many of the room walls have been angled or extended into the corridor to create a larger space. Most classrooms feature built-in cabinetry lining the wall facing the windows that primarily dates from the 1950s. Many classrooms retain original wood picture rails, base moldings, and window and door surrounds.

    Designed to be extensible, the school building is comprised of a series of interconnected additions. The original portion of the school was built with reinforced concrete faced with red brick in 1923. 原设计中包含的第二个单元于1929年被添加到北部. The additions to the school made in 1929 and thereafter were built using reinforced concrete with a coating of stucco. A 1958 addition added the small gym and industrial arts room to the west side of the school. 1983年,线上博彩平台的北、东、西三侧又增加了新的侧翼. 此时此刻, 走廊也进行了大规模的改造, 单个教室空间的配置, 内部装修(俄勒冈风格). 01-06-1983). 虽然这所线上博彩平台是为了扩建而设计的, the later additions to the school rapidly moved away from the original Collegiate Gothic brick vocabulary. 20世纪80年代的大规模扩建远远超出了最初的计划, 几乎是线上博彩平台原有面积的两倍. Interior remodels have changed the circulation plan, corridor height, and interior finishes. Gregory Heights School retains handsome architectural embellishments on the east elevation but the overall integrity of the school is compromised.