
  • 现场委员会对ACCESS学院的项目进行评估, 课程目标与使命, 教学策略, 学生成绩数据, 以前的改进计划是否成功, 独一无二的员工, 学生, 以及社区问题.

    ACCESS网站委员会成员包括ACCESS负责人, 三名ACCESS教师, one classified staff member and four current ACCESS family representatives. 联系主要 安东尼: 了解更多信息. 

    Our 网站委员会 meetings for the 23-24 school year are from 4:30-5:30pm each second Monday of the month here: Google Meet Link

    • 网站委员会

      The ACCESS Academy 网站委员会 meets to address issues and policies affecting the school community and to support the academic and social success of 学生s. They use the School's Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP), linked here, to help achieve these goals. 


      家长参与者:Paul Cone, Kelly Fisher, Cara Hersh, Megan Roberstson

      工作人员 Participants: Shannon D'Aurora, Dave Hayball, Margaret Price, Tabitha Williams



      如果你有兴趣加入线上博彩平台的场地委员会, 请联系布朗伯格校长 abromberg@pps.网


      Our 网站委员会 meetings for the 23-24 school year are from 4:30-5:30pm each second Monday of the month here: Google Meet Link 



      州法(329 ..704)

      每所线上博彩平台应成立21世纪线上博彩平台理事会.  21世纪线上博彩平台委员会, 然而, 不得妨碍执行职务, 责任, 以及选出学区董事会的义务权利.

      The primary purpose of school councils is to improve 学生 learning at the school site.


      • The development of plans to improve the professional growth of the school staff
      • 线上博彩平台教学计划的改进
      • The development and coordination of plans for the implementation of programs under this chapter at the school
      • The administration of grants-in-aid for the professional development of teachers and classified district employees
      • Advising the school district board in the development of a plan for school safety and 学生 discipline

      地区政策(7).10.010 - p, III)

      • 校务委员会的目的是提高学生的成绩. 根据21世纪俄勒冈法案的规定, it is the policy of the board to establish site councils in each school in the district.
      • 理事会的职责包括:
      • 线上博彩平台教学方案的改进;
      • The development and coordination of plans to improve the professional growth of the school’s staff;
      • The development and coordination of plans for the implementation of programs covered under the Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century at the school site;
      • The administration for grants-in-aid for the professional development of teachers and classified district employees; and
      • 促进家庭对线上博彩平台的参与.


      1. Assist in developing and implementing a process for preparing an annual school improvement plan. This process should include participation by staff, family members, community members and 学生s. The plan should focus on how the school will assist 学生s to achieve the standards established by the state and district;
      2. Implement a school survey for assessing community opinions regarding the school program;
      3. Assist in developing and maintaining a current local school profile which describes 学生 performance information, identification of 学生s meeting and exceeding state and district standards, 线上博彩平台及其社区的特点, 教职员及家庭成员对线上博彩平台成效的看法, 线上博彩平台的目标和改进计划;
      4. Establish and prioritize 学生 performance goals which are in accordance with district goals and state standards, 尤其是《线上博彩平台》所包含的内容;
      5. Develop plans to reach 学生 performance goals utilizing current educational research, professional development of staff focused on research based effective instructional practices and staff and community input;
      6. Develop and utilize a communication plan for involving the community in planning for school improvement and for informing the community about the plan and its progress; and
      7. Support the plan’s implementation by identifying and applying current resources and participating in efforts to acquire new resources.



      • 做教师的不得超过一半;
      • 在该线上博彩平台就读的学生的家长不得超过一半;
      • At least one member shall be a classified employee; and
      • 一名成员为该建筑物的负责人 or the principal’s designee.

      *此外, 其他委员得由学区指定, 包括但不限于当地线上博彩平台委员会成员, 商业领袖, 学生和广大社区成员.

      If a school district board determines that a school site is unable to fulfill the requirements of this section, 或者线上博彩平台场地的需要需要不同的组成, the school district board shall establish the 21st Century schools council in a manner that best meets the educational needs of the district.


      • 做教师的不得超过一半; 老师 are defined as all licensed employees of the public schools or employed by an ESD who have direct responsibility for instruction, coordination of educational programs or supervision of teachers and who are compensated for their services from public funds.
      • Not more than half shall be adult family representatives of 学生s attending that school; Adult family representatives are defined as parents or guardians of 学生s currently enrolled in the school.
      • At least one member shall be a classified employee; classified employees are any non-teaching or non-administrative staff members having contact with 学生s at the school to which they are affiliated and for whose employment an Oregon teaching license is not required.
      • 一名成员为该建筑物的负责人.
      • At least one 学生 representative will serve on each high school council.

      *此外, 其他委员得由学区指定, 包括但不限于当地线上博彩平台委员会成员, 商业领袖, 学生和广大社区成员.


      • 老师 shall be licensed teachers elected by licensed teachers at the school site;
      • Classified employees shall be elected by classified employees at the school site;
      • Parents shall be selected by parents of 学生s attending the school; and
      • 其他代表由理事会选派.

      21世纪校董会议员选举- PPS政策

      • 老师 shall be licensed teachers elected by licensed teachers at the school site;
      • Classified employees shall be elected in a direct vote by classified employees at the school site;
      • Adult family members shall be elected by adult family members of 学生s attending the school; and
      • The method of selecting 学生 representatives will be determined by the council
      • 其他代表由理事会选派.

      All 21st century schools council meetings shall be subject to the open meetings law pursuant to ORS 192.610 to 192.690