• 你好!  Please note that the information on this page is largely out of date and under construction.

    PLL is now focused solely on 领导 Development; teacher pathway and development programs are all now under the 教学办公室 and 学习.

    Stay tuned for a new page coming soon!

  • 专业学习 and 领导
    Charting a New Course for 领导, Scholarship, and Agency

  • 部门愿景:

    Our department seeks to cultivate multiple pathways for leaders and educators to expand their career opportunities. We want every PPS employee to want to spend their entire career in PPS - and have multiple, supported possibilities for doing so.

    Development and advancement can occur horizontally or vertically within the district - educators can move “up” or “sideways” to a variety of roles depending on their interest and skills. No matter how educators move through what we call the “职业生涯 Lattice,” our department seeks to grow educators across the system who embody PPS的教育要件  -- educators who are caring, 善解人意, 关系, future-focused problem solvers and who demonstrate effective collaboration, 反种族主义实践, 以及勇敢的领导.

    Ultimately, we strive to lead shifts that turn PPS into a premier learning organization. We envision our system supporting every single employee and team to learn and grow in the significant ways we need to in order to support our district’s vision and graduate portrait.

  • 部门项目

    To build out our 职业生涯 Lattice, PLL supports multiple programs across the continuum of educators’ careers, 如下所示. Within each stage of career development, we have or are building programs that support both teachers and leaders to grow. Ultimately, we aim to have programs for all job types across PPS. Click on the cards below to learn more about our programs.



Assistant Director, Special Projects
Dr. 艾米丽·唐纳森·沃尔什
  • Department programs flow chart