• 即将来临的事件

    免费的 大学 Essay Online 研讨会 for 格兰特 Students

    We're excited to be partnering with 大学 Essay Guy this year to offer students a number of useful 大学 application resources, including virtual workshops on how to write personal statements. 的 How to Write A Personal Statement Boot Camp (June 17th, 20th, 21st) were recorded and students can access the recordings at any time. 

    格兰特高中 students can join the live online courses listed below or choose to watch them at a later time: 

    • 的 大学 Application + Supplemental Essays Crash Course: September 22nd
    • How to Answer the UC Personal Insight Questions Crash Course: October 5th & 6th


    1. 进入注册页面: http://www.Collegeessayguy.com/sub-ceg-live-students.
    2. Enter 你的 name and email, and select 格兰特高中 from the School/Organization list.
    3. 你完成! Put the dates and times in 你的 calendar, and keep an eye on 你的 email with the next steps and instructions for the assignments to complete and how to join the live events.
    4. 女士联系. 斯奈尔, GH 大学 Coordinator, at msnell@pps.网 有问题吗?. 


    PCC暑期桥梁计划: 8月1日在PCC东南

    PCC is hosting a half-day summer program for recent PPS graduates who plan to attend PCC in the fall. This program will take place at PCC Southeast and include lunch with current PCC students, a new student advising and registration session, and information about various PCC departments and resources. Recent 格兰特 graduates who are planning to attend PCC in the fall should fill out this 感兴趣的形式


    Coalition for 大学 夏天 Webinars 





    MaiaLearning: 格兰特高中使用 MaiaLearning大学 & 职业研究l to help students plan their 未来s. You can use Maia to discover and explore careers; build academic, 大学, and career plans; create portfolios that tell 你的 story, and manage the 大学 visit and application process. 访问您的帐户 通过点击 登录谷歌 and using 你的 PPS username and password. 


    How does my high school experience make me 大学 & 职业生涯做好准备?

    Make a plan for 你的 high school years.



    Explore 你的 interests and discover career opportunities out there for you. 从这里开始!

    分享你的兴趣爱好: 职业兴趣调查

    找到你的职业路线图 Roadtrip国家


    How does Career Related Learning happen at 格兰特?

    We build in lots of infrastructure for students to explore careers, from their Freshman 社区招聘会 and working alongside professionals in Career Technical Education (CTE) 参加 西北青年职业博览会 in Sophomore year and then, as Juniors and 老年人, students actually visit workplaces. Information on registering for events is on the 大学 & 职业中心Instagram and in the Friday Bulletin - posted on the 格兰特 website homepage and emailed to students and parents/guardians every Friday during the academic year.


    It’s important to start exploring careers now so students can think about what they might eventually like to do and understand the pathways to get there. 的 Oregon Department of Education has added emphasis on Career Related Learning: it's a graduation requirement. 到高三结束的时候, all students will need to participate in two Career-Related Learning Experiences (“CRLE” for short–reflect on them with forms on the left-hand side of this page), build a resume (we do this in ​Junior English class), and write a “My Plan Essay” (during Senior English class).



    We can help you feel more confident about finding post-secondary options and exploring possible careers, 实习, 大学, 学徒制, 劳动力培训计划, 和/或军事机会. 这是一个 伟大的PPS资源


    PPS与 GetSchooled to offer resources for 大学 planning, including quick videos regarding 大学, 建议, 论文, 和奖学金. 
